Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Getting worried

I'm starting to get worried with all this flooding here in England - it doesn't seem to want to stop! I do hope it won't hit around here, but the Thames will not doubt bring down a lot of water in the next days from those flooded areas in Oxfordshire and Berkshire, and although all the flood relief schemes are open, if it rains more on top of that (and there's another bad one forcast for Thursday) I'm sure it'll flood Chertsey, at least partly. The area where we live has not been flooded before according to the records, but I'm sure neither have a lot of the places who are under water at the moment! This year really is exceptionally bad - it must all have to do with those dreaded climate changes. I'm not quite sure what to do - should we take some stuff upstairs, just in case???

Anyway, I just realised that I never showed all the finished LOs I made with that FIZZ kit I ALSed a few posts back. Well, here are some more.

Both pages above are one LO: a shopping village in Bali. Everything used from Club Scrap "Fizz" kit.

Both pages above are one LO: a Barn Dance I organised for church last year. Again, everything used is from Fizz kit.


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