Saturday, June 02, 2007

Right - I'm back

Grrr, it's been ages since I last posted. Had problems getting into my Blogger account, which is apparently now a Google account--??? Wished they'd stop changing things...

Times have been busy anyway, working away on a few projects for church as well as privately, and not getting much scrapbooking in either. I did, however, give the ALS idea a try (this is "Assembly Line Scrapbooking" a la Club Scrap - it means you try and finish off a whole kit in one go, just making empty LOs and finding photos for them later). I'd always thought it odd, but I knew that one day I had to try it, and since I didn't have any ideas whatsoever on what to use this "Fizz" kit, I thought it's a good time to try. I'm still not convinced it's the thing for me - but at least I've got some LOs done (still no idea as for photos and not yet finished all the kit - when I get there I'll show you all the LOs and you'll see what I mean...).
This is the Club Scrap SR kit "Fizz"

The Scotttish Dancing season is finished until September; the canoeing season is in full swing I suppose; and I've started a new (old) hobby - yes, I know you'll think I'm crazy since I haven't even got enough time to do the things I'm already involved in, but a friend invited me to a TaiChi class. It was rather peculiar to start with as I hadn't done it for about 9 or 10 years...! but I liked it, so I think I'll keep going. It's on Saturday mornings, so I suppose it doesn't interfere with too many other things...

So much for an update - here at least a couple more LOs I made of our Easter holidays: both were for challenges at TSG (top for a summer lyrics challenge and bottom for the Year-at-a-Day challenge).

Credits: quickpage by Stacey Carlson; font: SF INTOXICATED BLUES; lyrics: Cliff Richards ("Summer Holiday")

Credits: kit "Blue-tiful Sea Breeze" by Maryse Vincent; netting element by Tracy Blankenship;
Rolodex template by Cheryl McCain; Fonts: VAGABOND and SNELL


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