Monday, March 16, 2009

Pancake Day at Treffelin

I know - we are about three weeks late but since I missed the "real" Pancake Day this year (I was convinced it would be the week after!) we simply had it today. However, what made it remarkable was not the date but the fact that with the new diet I can't have shop-bought pancakes anymore - I had to make them myself. BUT - I'd never before made English-style pancakes (the type that you flip over in the pan...) before, so I required a lesson off Sean! After some initial problems with the oil beading in the non-stick pan and the heaviness of the buckwheat batter (I can't have white flour, either), he got things going, while really showing off doing flips and double flips half-way up to the ceiling. Then it was my turn - the first ones were decidedly frilly at the edges and folded over or landed on the edge of the pan, breaking apart. But all in all, only one ended up in the dog (off the floor!) and we had sufficient not only to eat but to freeze a batch, too - apparently, I'd been a bit optimistic with the amount of batter (or pessimistic, depending on how you look at it...). Plus: I had a thoroughly good time cooking tonight!

The Master Chef at work...

My first try...

Getting better...

Buckwheat batter in the pan.

The final dish out of the oven: buckwheat pancakes
filled with a thick salmon & asparagus sauce.


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