Thursday, February 12, 2009

Check out my new crafts website

The weather has been rather ugly of late - the snow was beautiful for a couple of days but then turned into slush and soon disappeared. We have since had another day of snow but rather sleety and didn't stay, and after that, the usual: lots of rain. There is a lot of flooding about in the whole area and also in Chertsey, and most worryingly, quite a lot in the road just outside our house on both sides of the roundabout. At some point it was so deep that the police closed the road for a few hours one morning.

As a consequence, I haven't been out and about much and instead have finally managed to complete and upload the scrapbook section of my crafts website. In all honesty, this has been a project I started and dumped several times over the last few years but finally found a way to make it work (well, Sean finally showed me a way...). So there you are: you can now look at all my scrapbooks online - every single page I've ever made! Here's the link, and I will also put it up in the links section on the right if you want to come back later:

I think the website is easy to use: the home page is a list of the album links - just click on what you find interesting and it will take you to a thumbnail album where you can click on either the pictures or their captions to see them enlarged. The large versions, I think, are worth looking at as they are big enough so that often you can even read the journalling, and certainly see some detail. There are also some descriptions by the side or below, for those who don't want to read the whole journals, and for the crafters amongst you I've also listed the materials used as far as I could remember.

For the time being, this is complete, but will get updated from time to time whenever I get around to making some new pages (which does not happen often these days!). Apart from that, I want to extend the website to also show some of my needlecrafts projects of which I have taken photos; some cards I made in the past, and also some other crafts projects - that, however, may take a while again!


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