Monday, November 06, 2006

Bonfires and Fireworks

Yesterday was Bonfire Night here in the UK – Motto: “remember, remember the 5th of November”… As usual, the whole weekend closest to the date is dominated by the noise and smell of bonfire and fireworks - but it is doubtlessly good fun!

Our church had an open-for-all party going on Saturday night in the wonderfully large garden of the Vicarage, with a three-course outdoors meal (soup served through the kitchen window, sausages and burgers from the BBQ and a table loaded with cakes for pudding), a roaring bonfire behind the shed and an amazing 45-minute fireworks display! As per the latest count, there were 340 people there, including a group from the local assisted-living home, and everybody seemed to really enjoy themselves! The food crew even had to pop over to Sainsbury’s to get some extra burgers and sausages…

On the way home, we were “treated” to more fireworks displays over Chertsey in all directions – people seem to have more and longer parties and displays every year! It was beautiful – that is not to say that it’s all so well: the town seemed swathed in the dense and acrid smoke and smell of the fireworks (we won’t ask what that does to the issue of Global Warming…) and the noise, when they were still going in some places at nearer 1am, was rather detrimental to the idea of sleep…

But here are some photos of the fun part: party time at the vicarage and bits of the fireworks we managed to ban onto camera…

Credits: Papers by Club Scrap (Wheels & Sprockets kit) + overlays by Suzanne C Walker

Credits for both above: papers, ribbons, blue tags by Ann-Marie Borg; other elements by Club Scrap (Farmer's Market extras)

Credits: background paper by Hummie; other by Club Scrap (Wheels + Sprockets kit); template by Jen Caputo

I probably won't have time to upload anything for the next couple of days, so watch this space again towards the end of the week - and as always: please leave your comments!!! Thanks!


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